Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Plan of Action

So Sorry about the Downer Debbie post yesterday.......

Actually,  no i'm not........

It was good as therapy....the hour long session....

only it didn't cost anything.....

I don't like anything that isnt all sparkly and happy so.......

I tend to hurry up and fix whatever is wrong.

So here ya go......the lemonade to yesterdays lemons....

When life gets complicated......

 going back to basics is usually
a great way to rope everything back in.

Start with a prayer and the solution isnt far off....

And with that........This be my plan of action me Hardys....

****Each week as  Matt's per diem card is loaded by his employer
I will take out in cash everything except the money for the hotel.

(i did this yesterday, as it is loaded on mondays)

*****Then i will seperate the cash into 7 envelopes.

****Each day i will visually  know exactly how much i have to deal 
with and therefore budget accordingly.

***If i need more money than allotted for the day, i will have to 
take from another day's booty  (pirate talk). 

Likewise if i have extra booty left at the end of the day....
ARRRG...  it will be added to another day's envelope.
(  this one here be a knee slapper HAR  HAR)

This one probably aint happenin any time soon

(I'm just sayin' .....baby steps friends)

That way the paychecks wont get touched as far as our day to day needs...
like gas, grocery, fast food, necessities, and entertainment.
then they can be used strictly for bills and debt.

...Else we'll be drowning ...

It will be Davey Jones' Locker for us   ARRG

ok seriously...all done with the pirate junk.

I'm out mateys....
(i had to throw that word in... it's like basic pirate lingo)

P.S.    thank you for the sweet comments yesterday...
good friends can always set you straight.

xoxo  Yer Captain.....shelby


  1. THis is a fabulous idea! I may have to give this a try myself. For me, I am always so much more accountable to myself when all I have is cash. When it's gone, it's gone, right? Good luck!

  2. my mom always used the "envelope" system! still uses it today and it works if you stick with it. she always had those bank enevelopes in one of our kitchen cabinets. they were all labeled...gas, food, etc. you can do it!! and seriously...you don't have room for more stuff! wait til you have that big beautiful house hanging on your fridge ;) miss you guys and our breakfast messes!
    tracy :)
