Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hope and Courage

Courage doesn't always roar.

Sometimes courage is the little voice

at the end of the day that says...

 I'll try again tomorrow.

                                                                                                     Mary Anne Radmacher
We don't always have to
get it right...
or be Perfect...
We just have to keep aiming
in the right direction
and celebrate each ....
 Tiny Victory !
We'll get there eventually...

Xoxo  shell

for more Words to Live By

Go Here


  1. You know I'm with you on those tiny victories. And we just keep doing the best that we can. You're lioness courage (shall we call you Nala?) countinues to grow and you ARE doing a great job. Enjoy the Sabbath and the tiny victories of today. Love you, J

  2. Courage is my favorite character trait. Never give up. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. That first quote is one of my favorites. Sometimes you just have to keep going...and hope that eventually you get somewhere less painful.

  4. And, isn't courage also being afraid and doing it anyway?
