Monday, March 29, 2010

Girl's Trip Petaluma

Petaluma's shops and Frippery

dON'T GET me wrong,

I am soooo glad to be back home in Utah.

But if i had one reason to go back to California...

it would be an All girl's weekend in Petaluma.

The shops in Petaluma were fabulous ...

i just couldn't convince my Hubby and kids to

skip the Beach  plans  and just hang out in stores all day where they cant

touch anything.???

so i missed out on some great finds i'm sure.

as we drove in to the town and then out again....

I must have looked like the little kids in the


When  their families were moving away and
they were forced to get in the car and drive away from their
home and friends

staring out the back window...

in tears....

Yah... that was me, every weekend as we drove out of Petaluma's city limits and  Main street
in all it's glory were no longer in sight!

It was not far from Dillon Beach...

Our fam's favorite hotspot for our weekends!

I had a blast with my kids there!

Their smiles and silly rompage through the sand hills

was something i will not soon forget!

(ok.... you got me...i CANT forget it....tHEY STILL have sand in their ears and

it is in the wash.... 

IT is Haunting  ME!)


But the Plethra of WHite, sun bleached ,seashells

i plundered from the shores are enough to

make the sand gristles i'm still chomping in my teeth....

A FOND MEMORY of sorts!

xoxo  shell

1 comment:

  1. I got a blog. But I'm a little special with it so don't mind that I have no photos or anything.
