Saturday, March 27, 2010

Back in Our Neck of the Woods

Well we Made it!

We made it 3 whole months on the road....

The 5 of us (and a guinea pig) in a hotel,

homeschooling, and eating fast food (  Arf  ).

This lil' princess has been waiting....

and probably wondering....   :(

But our loyal pooch welcomed us back

no questions asked!

Gotta love dogs!

The kids are soooo happy to be "home".

At grandpa's house.

Where all their Christmas toys still sat

unplayed with.

It was impossible to tear them away from Play.

We stayed up til 3 am waiting for them to get tired and crash.

Me,  I was so glad to see pretty things.  Cozy things.

My things.

Oh it is lovely to sit on a couch.

Do you take that for granted?

We havent sat on a couch in 3 months.

It was quite a treat.

What i will miss is this:

Doing all the loads of laundry at ONE TIME!

Laundromats are Fabulous in that way!

My dryer here is broke so it's back to wash and hang for me.

But all is well,

My Lou lou has her Boo back!

(bestest of friends... like sisters)

and i have my Sister Becca back.

My best friend.

It is .......


Nothing can compare to home.

(home is where the toffifays are)

I could not for the life of me find my fav. chocolate,

Toffifays,  while on the road.

But i'm back now ....

and i will be buying those suckers up

before our next trip!



xoxo  shell


  1. You sound so happy! Ü
    Glad you're enjoying being home. Nothin' better!

  2. Welcome Home! We missed you this morning, but hope you're enjoying some good sleep and play time. When are you headed to Mich. Be safe! J

  3. I want to see a photo of the guinea pig! :)
    Glad to hear everything went well. Maybe it's time for a little laundry room remodel. I've heard 2 stackable washer/dryers side by side are popular right now.

    Lamb’s Most Recent Post: The Chalkboard Door is for Holiday Decorating!

  4. Hooray! Welcome home. Looking forward to our GNO and I wanna come see your cute house.

  5. There really is no place like home! And your little home is beautiful!
