Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Check out my Fab new Creepers!

Purple runnin'  shoes.

How can one not be excited to go outdoors and Run

when they get to do it in Purple creepers!

While we were in Disney Land this past

weekend.  We walked.   and walked and walked.

Then we walked some More!

I loved it!

I repeat:


I am so tired of just sitting around in the hotel.

I am being a good girl and not spending much money.

So cross shopping and stores off the list of things

to do.

It has been raining like  a wanna be Rainforest around here

So scratch the parks and outdoors off that list too.

I was just absolutely enchanted with all the Excercise we

got at Disney!

( don't tell anybody ,  but i was totally squeezing my bun
muscles with every step.)

I was gonna make the most of the walking!

(scrawny ankles.... i know)

I delight in sore muscles.

To me,  it means i am gettin stronger.

I like stronger.

Which made me think of something else.....

when times get tough.....

when the going gets rough......

When it feels like my  spirits are "sore".....

I must be growing.

Getting Stronger.


I like it!

DisneyLand walking inspired me to start running.

So as soon as we got back.....

I bought me some purple creepers and put the

hair in a ponytail.

We got the kids scooters.  Again.  (we left their other
new ones in Utah)

and then............


I ran with weights in my hands.

Kid's screaming...


the whole time.

I just tugged at the Forrest Gump in me ...

and RAN.

It feels great to get Stronger.

Body, Mind and Spirit!

xoxo  shell


  1. You are strong! You're the WOMAN! Are you back now? Brenna wanted to call but I thought you'd be at Disney, so we didn;t want to bug you. Just wait til you add some rockin' tunes to that runnin'. You'll love how good you feel. J

  2. Yeah!! That is fun! Come run a 5K with me and my sis May22nd. :) I just started running 3wks ago! Never ran a day in my life before that! I LOVE IT!! My body actually craves it on days i don't run! Weird! Good for you!!!!

  3. Hooray for you! I hate running, but totally envy those that run for fun. I wish I loved it, but it's walk fast for me.
    Cute shoes too!

  4. You are cool. Now to do it two times...that is the challenge! Lovin the lace on the sweats, girl, you are some kind of fashionista. Don't forget to wear socks or those purple people eaters may just stink and self combust!
