Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dreams of Sailing Away and Alphabe Thursday "x"

This week.....

I'm on the same page as

those Enya folks...

They were really on to something

with that whole ...

"Sail Away"

song they came up with.

I never knew these gals personally...

but here's my theory on them....

I think they were moms.

I think they were tired moms.

I would even venture to say they had
their kids quick....

i am willing to bet my left eye
that they had children fairly close together in age....

and i may be going a bit far with this.....

but ....

i think one night,
(after a day from hell)

One of those chicks were in the bath relaxing ha!

bathing rowdy, close aged, dirt caked, children....

and i think there was a bath toy in that muddy water.

I think it was a pirate ship of sorts....

and old  18th century "Xebec" styled ship if you will....

and that poor, weary, woman,
(bags under eyes)
(hubby at work late) ...(again),

fought back  her tears ....

and  entranced by the sight of that toy ship,  she began singing.....

"sail away, sail away, sail away...."

as she wept and scrubbed chicken coop surprises off the bottoms of their dirty lil


i think her and i could have been really

good friends.

See eye to eye , we would.

xoxo  shell

visit jenny and all the other "x" entries here!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Can't get a Date to Save My life

Yummish old town with lossa old buildings!

Hubby took us on a field trip to

The Manti Pageant....

It was a live play on a hillside....

that started at dark...

The munchkids were in their Pj's...

cuz it started at 9:30pm...

I was betting they would fall asleep before it
even started...

(no such luck)


It was our secret attempt at a date.....

oh well....

maybe next time!


xoxo  shell

Childhood Delights


"no school today"


Lovin the soda water bottle...

and the sticky digits from candy striped sticks!

Cupcakes and smiles...

(same thing)

thank you boo....

for a lovely afternoon celebration!

xoxo  shell

Oh the Places we go!

This is where we go when we need

an escape.....

There are
No messy rooms here....

Childrens' shreiks and teasing don't
echo off the walls of small spaces here....

No over analyzing of the family finances....

The munchkins are free to explore and discover....

(and i'm not yelling at them for it  lol)

There are few rules and fewer boundries.....

You can lick the Doritos and then throw them on the ground...

(if you sooo please????)


This is where we


This is where the Hawkers love to go!

...and yes.

Kie has cheetos in this picture...

and doritos in the other....

she is our snacker...

and we love her just the way she is...

orange cheezy fingers and all!


I was there too....

just not in any pictures....


the perils of a camera holder.

xoxo shell

Friday, June 18, 2010

WoW Bedroom Makeover

"W"  is for WOW!

This makeover is Huge!

Now what am i gonna do

with my days????

The girly bedroom makeover is


and honestly,

i'm a little bit sad!

Twiddlin' my thumbs....



shamefully    before:

amazingly    after:


Hope you enjoyed perusing!

Check out Alphabe Thursday for more



Farmward Bound

I  have the tendency from time to time.......

to get a little "hermitty"....

But then my dear big sister slaps me

in my face and says.....




well ,

she works out daily and therefore

could take me down in a split second...


as at a very young age ,

i reallized that it is less painful

to just cooperate!  :)

So we spent the afternoon at

Thanksgiving Point....

a huge attraction.

Like ....

Acres upon acres of things to do!

We have a membership there...

It just takes a good convincing  for me to

kick off my sweat pants and  drive there!

But i am always so glad that i did!

The Farm Country attraction
smells like animal butts
is awesome...

 So thankful for my  forceful motivated sister

for dragging me outta hiding to go experience

the  World around me!

(i totally hate the squinty eyes and nostril
flares goin on in the  photo below...


i love chillin with my offspring and...

well....lets be real...


$3.00 for that perty thang!

woot woot!

xoxo  shell