We took ourselves to the ball game...
our bunko group went to the game...
We bought us some peanuts..but there werent
no cracker jacks...
It was a G.N.O. so we didnt care if we ever got back...
so it was me and 1, 2,3 girls...
that went out ...
to the old ball game!!!
we had sooo much fun...
i planned a fun game for us.
I made a list of scavenger items ...
we had a hoot finding the items to check off!
I also made a betting sheet for the 4 of us...
it was hilarious to see the predictions of each innings numbers...
Lets just say..
some of us havent been to a ball game in a while..
...and some of us picked our numbers like we never
heard of the game.
xoxo shell
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