Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lovin Armoires

I happen to be on a quest right now....

It is necessitated by my never ending war with laundry.

Every few months i try real hard to be a good lil housewife
and put all the clothes away after they come out of the dryer...

(big but  here.....)


that only lasts...


then i see all the childrens clothes tousled about their rooms...

like they had never been folded at all.


then i vow to never fold again...

blah. blah.... blah..

(enter the few months later)....

Guilt creeps in...

i fold...


(cue the touseling)...

But No More Friends!

(yah right)...

(i know)...


This is my latest solution...

(curtain opening)....

Ta ~ Da



no bedroom without one!

then the edges of all the clothing articles
 are visible and there will be no need 

(less need)

for touseling .

I shall try out my new plan....

and then....

return and report!


one armoire purchase down..

3 more to go!

let me know if you see a good deal on a cute one!

xoxo  shell

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea, you are a genius! I may need to copy you ;)
